Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October,13, 2010

Today, is Carmen's birthday. Then, we have been all the class doing the project. After, Paqui has looked every work, but she has explained in the blackboard the questions that we have to had in the project. My group is formed by Enrique, Yolanda Abad, Silvia and I. Then, my group we have written the questions in a sheet that we have to had in the project. After, we had done the summary about Oceania and Antartica. After, we have explained to Paqui how we are going to do the project in cardboards.Then, Yolanda Abad has changed the money to Paqui for to buy the cardboards. On thursday afternoon my group will stay in the library to do the project. Finally, Paqui has said that I do the diary, today before eight o'clock.

Today the class was very interesting and exciting because my group work very hard and the others groups too.


Ángel said...

Very good journal Mª Luz but you ned to move the photo a litje because there is one line of the journal we can´t read

Unknown said...

Very good Mª Luz!You have to write the subject in the second sentence:
"Then, we has been all in the class..."
Angel you didn't write all the letters in your comment...

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Mari Luz,

Well done! Your journal has a lot of details. I have some comments about grammar:

Remember that when you are explaining things that have happened in the morning, you have to use the Present Perfect. For example, in the sentence about the questions: "My group...". And in the sentence about Yolanda: "Yolanda...."

If your group is going to meeet on Thusrday afternoon (tomorrow), what verb tense will you use?

Another thing you have to take into consideration is that every sentence has to have the subject first. Think about the second sentence in Spanish. If you wanted to write "Hemos estado trabajando durante toda la clase en el proyecto", what would be the subject in this sentence? Try to write the same in English.

I´m going to change the bold font. It´s better for the style. I think also that the design would improve if you put one picture before the text and the other one after the text.

Good work, anyway!

daniel pintado said...

Paqui one question out of this entry. We have to carry the prjrct tomorrow? It's very big and it can break.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Dani,

You don´t need to bring the project tomorrow. The presentation will be on Monday. If you have finished the materials, you can use tomorrow´s lesson to prepare the presentation (the explanations you´re going to give to the others), to memorize the most important data, etc... I´m sure you´re going to do a good and very original work.

One last thing: if you have prepared some pictures of interesting natural landscapes, remember to send me the file, so you can have it available on my computer next Monday. Good night!

daniel pintado said...

ok. I will look for some pictures and I think that tomorrow I will send you.
the same to you.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Well done, Mari Luz. Your corrections are O.K, but there are still some verb tenses that you could change. How do you say "hemos escrito las preguntas en una hija"? Remember the participle of the verb "write".
You can also correct the following sentence: "We have explained to Paqui...". Think in this sentence in Spanish: "Le hemos explicado cómo (nosotros) vamos a hacer nuestro proyecto con cartulinas". Try to write it again in English nd don´t forget that you always need to write the subject in English.

Have a good night!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Sorry, I wanted to say "hoja", instead of "hija" :)

silvia said...

the maps are beautifull you did a good work

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Well done again, Mari Luz. You´re a hard worker and I like your interest in improving and doing things properly! I´m looking forward to your group´s presentation. Remember that you have to understand eveything before memorizing the texts. See you on Monday!