Monday, January 31, 2011

A famous assembly line

This is a famous scene of Modern Times, a 1936 Charles Chaplin comedy film. The character Chaplin plays, a tramp, works on an assembly line and has problems to follow the rhythm of the machines. On this film Chaplin wanted to criticize the dehumanizing effects of machines in the Industrial Age and he also reflected the hard conditions many unemployed people had to face during the Great Depression era. 

I strongly recommend you the whole film. This was the first time the audience could listen Charles Chaplin´s voice. 

More information about the film: 


Alejandro Torrillas said...

Hi! I think this video shows the persistence of the employers to get more money, although their workers get very tired. It is real or it is a exaggeration , because at this velocity the workers won't have enough forces to continue many time, and many of this objects will had many mistakes and wrong parts.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Alejandro. This is a fiction film. Charles Chaplin wanted to make jokes about assembly line production and how workers become a part of the machine. It´s a comic film, but it is very critical at the same time. I can´t believe you don´t know Charles Chaplin! You should watch his films. They are amazing.