Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday 26-10-2011

Today we have started the class a little bit late because someone broke the jack of the projector and we couldn't see the powerpoint about the 18th century; but Paqui has uploaded it on the blog.

Then we have started checking exercises 14 and 15. Silvia has corrected exercise 14 about the Boston Tea Party. This act of the Boston colonists was strongly repressed by the British army.
This led to more revolts and in 1776 the representatives of the 13 colonies decided to break their ties with Great Britain. On the 4th of July 1776 was the declaration of independence. As the government didn't respect the rights of the colonists and they didn't have representation in the British Parliament they decided to separate the colonies from Great Britain.It was written by Thomas Jefferson.


In exercise 15 we have learnt that Great Britain didn't accept the independence and a war started. The colonists led by George Washington won in the battles of Saratoga(1776) and
Yorktown(1781). In 1783 King George III accepted the independence of the USA. This declaration was signed in the treaty of Versailles in the Palace of Versailles by David Hartley, who represented king George III, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay.

Paqui has told us that the support of Spain to the independence of the USA led to revolts on his colonies, which last one in became independent was Cuba.

George Washington was the first president of the United states. In 1787 the representatives of the U.S.A. wrote the first constitution in history. Paqui has said that in a region of Switzerland there was like a type of constitution but this wasn't for all the country.
Then we have copied a scheme about the first constitution:
- It was the first written constitution in history
- It was a Federal republic; the citizens choose the head of the state, there was a division of powers, it was divided into states with their governments and the federal state controls the economic policy, the currency...
- It included the principles of political liberalism: representative government, rights of the citizens...
-Later it included the Bill of rights
- But the downside was that women, black slaves and Amerindians were excluded.
Today we have learnt new words as:
-Amendment: enmienda, changes in constitution.
-Bill of Rights: Declaración de derechos.
Then Yolanda has asked paqui what was la Conchinchina and Silvia was always saying that it was called the Conchinchilla. Paqui has solved this "discussion"; la Conchinchina is the region of Asia occupied now by Vietnam, Laos...
At the end of the class Paqui has told us to search for a date of the exam. She has said that she doesn't mind the date and I'm thinking about delaying it as much as possible maybe 16 of November, but all the class has to vote it.

In the powerpoint Paqui has uploaded appear in the slide 19 the 10 first amendments and in the last slide appear amendments like the vote for women and black people, the abolition of slavery and the prohibition of Alcohol.

Bye see you tomorrow.


Mªluz Ortiz S-Manjavacas said...

Hello Alejandro!
Very good journal , I think it's all ok but you can add that Dani went to look for Guillermo. I don't know if is good. And also Paqui has said that tomorrow she will say the people who pass the painting.
Bye bye See you tomorrow and Think about the day of the exam.

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Alejandro,

Good work! These are my corrections:

- Remember that in this period you have to write "British" instead od "English"

- The Versailles Treaty was signed by David Hartley, a member of the British Parliament who represented King George III and Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, the representatives of the USA.

- "Currency" refers to the official name of the money used in a country. George Washington appears in "banknotes/ notes".

- About the exam, it´s more correct to say "I´m thinking of/ about delaying"...

That´s all. Have a look to the video I´m going to upload about the Constitution amendments.

See you tomorrow.