Monday, February 27, 2012

27th of Feburary

For first, today Ana de la Fuente has checked exercise 9 which has consisted in the areas of expansion of the USA and Japan.
Paqui has explained that the USA's expansion areas were:
-In the Pacific: Wake,k Miduay, Guam and Hawaii.
-The Philippinnes.
-In the Caribbean Sea: Cuba and Puerto Rico, and a strip of land in Panama.
After she has show us in a scheme on the blackboard how was distributed North America between many countries:
-Alaska was occupied by Russia.
-Luissiana was occupied by France.
-Florida was occupied by Spain.
-California and zones near there were occupied by Mexico.
The Monroe Doctrine was aimed to all the European powers, maden by James Monroe, which said:
"America for the Americans"
They wouldn't admit any foreing intervention in America, but the USA was allowed to intervene in other American countries if their interests were in danger.
Well, and Paqui has started to talk about the USA and she has told: "A country born from an Empire become also an Empire".
And she has started talking that nowadays the USA is preparing a war against Irak because this country is reaching nuclear power.
After that, Alejandro has checked exercise 10 which consisted in the Chinese reaction against the foreign intervention.
After this, Paqui has explained the exercise remembering us that the Chinese people revolted against them (Boxer rebellion).
And then, Enrique has contributed with his answer.
Now, we've seen that all the things the Europeans introduced in China were for their own benefit and they were, in a way or in other, bad for the Chinese:
-Introduction of some advances ( only for the interest of the colonists)
-The acculturation process.
-Balance between population and resources broke up and periodic famines appeared.
-Unequal and segregated society. Discrimination of the indigenous in their own territories.
And afther that, we've saw what was the Apartheid (Afrikaans word which means "segregation"):
Racist segregation system established in South Africa. The "white" people and the other groups of population (Hindu, "black") were completely separated: specific schools, baths, transport...) until 1990.
Nelson Mandela fought against this system.
Cry freedom was a film that reflects how was the Apartheid in the USA.
And then, Paqui has looked for some images in google as examples of the Apartheid.
She also has looked for a video in youtube about the Middle Ages as example of the next project he have to do for the 8th March.
Silvia has asked Paqui if this work can be done in groups but Paqui doesn't know that for the moment.
Well, we have to do the project in a video or in a comic.
And we've started a new point: Spain in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
And Paqui has made a scheme:
Spain in the 2nd half of the 19th century:
-Isabella II's reign (1843-1868)
  • Moderate Decade (1844-1854)
  • Progressive Biennium (1854-1856)
  • Alternation between moderates and Liberal Union (1856-1868)
-Democratic Sexenio (1868-1874)
-Restoration of the monarchy (1875-1931)

Isabella's reign ,the Democratic Sexenio or the Restoration of the monarchy are the things in which have to consist the project.
And then, Paqui has remembered us that Isabella prefered the moderates, she has explained another preferences of her and she has talked about her reign stages.
Mari Luz has read the Progressive Biennium.
The Liberal Union was formed by reformist moderates and conservative progressives.
Starvation - Hambruna
Segragated - Separados
Centre Party - Partida de centro



Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Sara,

You should review your post. There are several spelling mistakes. Read carefully what you´ve written, please. You could also move the picture about Monroe doctrine to the place where you´ve written about it. You could also include another picture about other parts of the lessons.

I haven´t given any date for the project and I want to think about the possibility of making the project in groups or individually.

Pay attention to your classmates´corrections.

This time you haven´t forgotten the source of the picture ;)

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

There are also several content mistakes. This is one of them: the USA expanded to the Pacific Ocean by annexing different territories. Some of these territories were won in wars and others were bought to different countries:

- bought to different countries: Florida, Louisiana and Alaska.

- won in wars against other countries: Texas, California, Nevada, Arizona, seized to Mexico, and many territories stolen to the Indians.

There are other content mistakes. Let´s see if someone corrects them.

Beatriz Antequera said...

Hi Sara, good work!
First of all, change the title because you have written Feburary. I've seen some spelling mistakes:
- After she has showN us
- made (not madeN) by James Monroe.
- A country born from an Empire becomeS
- Paqui has explained the exercise REMINDING us
- And after (instead of: afther)
- We've SEEN
- Isabella II'S reign...
- will be the topics of the project (Instead of: are the things in which have to consist the project)( I think it's better)
- Paqui has reminded us
- PrefeRred
I think you can include that Isabella preferred the Moderates because they wanted to enlarge the Monarch's power and to reduce citizen's rights.
After the bell has rung, Paqui has given us the maps we gave her last week.
I think that's all. Bye!