Sunday, May 6, 2012

Francisco de Goya, by Yolanda Rubio

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Well, I have liked this project, because in this type of projects, althoug they are difficult and long and you spend a lot of time on them, after you have done it you feel really good and you know a lot of things about the project. I have liked that we have done it on a power point presentation that we have never done one in Social Science, so these are new ways of learning, because you work a lot with the information until the project is finished. The most difficult thing for me is find all the information, because if you look for it you find a lot and you have to summarize. Goya has a lot of good and amazing paintings, but the one I like most is the "maja desnuda". But for me Goya is one of the best painters, and his change of mind is very interesting, how he changed his paintings.

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