Friday, March 1, 2013

1st March journal

Hello classmates:
First, Paqui has said that some people wanted more time for the project, and she has said that it will be for wednesday.
 Later she has given the username and password of the Youtube account to upload the videos. And later she has showed us how to log in and upload our videos. Then she has showed us a video made by last year students about Isabella II's reign, and another video about Marxism made by a USA student, in this video explained how capitalism worked according to Marx and Engels and this is what is similar to present day, because Marx and Engels explained that companies' losses and overproduction resulted in workers´ dismissals, but this didn´t solve problems, because if workers can consume, economy can´t recover and if the purchasing power of workers is low, this will have consequences for the owners of the companies sooner or later

Later, we have seen a photo about a quote by Karl Marx on the blog and if we want to read a book called "Marxism for beginners" is on the blog.
We have continued seeing the PowerPoint presentation.
According to Marx and Engels, the proletarian revolution would have two stages
-1st stage: Dictatorship of the proletariat.
-2nd stage: Communist society.
Then she has explained the surplus value with this scheme:

You made 50 boxes a day
2€ each box
In 30 days they pay you 600€ but your work has produced 2500€
The difference between you produced and what you receive is the surplus=1900€

Finally, she has explained what she does to teach us, she is a type of actress who disturbs our nests to teach us.
At the end of the lesson Paqui have said that next day we have to end with the unit.
Wack: pésimo
Jerkpace: caradura (gilipollas)
Eventually: en el futuro
Afford: permitirse
Wages: salario
Snotty: arrogante
Gaudy spending: derroche
Greed: avaricia
To disturbe your nest: removeros el nido, cuestionar las ideas preconcebidas
See you next day!!!


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hi Carlos,

Good choice! I really like the cartoon you´ve chosen. It explains the surplus value very well. It´s one of my favourite cartoons about this topic. I used it two years ago to explain how capitalism works in 3rd of ESO. It might be in one of the first posts I wrote on this blog.

But remember to include the sources of all the pictures you´ve used.

I´ll check the mistakes tomorrow, so check the blog tomorrow. See you!

Roxana said...

Hello! I like the cartoon about the surplus value you have included and I think it explains very well what it is. These are the mistakes I have found:
- she has said that it's for Wednesday.
- she has said the username / she has showed.
- we have seen.
- we have seen a photo about a quote...
- we have continued.
- she has explained the surplus value...
- she has explained what...

Salva Fuentes said...

Hi Carlos,

I think that a sentence in your journal doesn't have sense: you have written that marxism is like the crisis now. I think you should write that Marx said that capitalism gives origin to some cyclical crises related to overproduction and lack of planning. Marx said that during these crisis workers will lose more and more rights. This is what is happening now.

From the image about surplus, we can learn that few people become rich working. They become rich taking advantage of the others.

You should make the journal longer.

See you!

Monica said...

Good journal. In my opinion the photos are good, I like it! I am agree with your classmates. You have same important mistakes.
See you,

Paqui Pérez Fons said...


Sorry for the delay.

Roxana´s corrections are all right. You made several mistakes with the third person singular of the present perfect : has, not haveThese are the mistakes nobody has found:

- some people wanted more time for the project, but for the work.
- she has said that it will be for Wednesday

- Later she has given the username and password of the Youtube account to upload the videos. And later she have showed us how to log in and upload our videos.

- As Salva told you, the following sentence has no sense:
“in this video we have seen that the marxism is like the crisis now, because the people was fired and there wasn't job. “ The video explained how capitalism worked according to Marx and Engels and this is what is similar to present day, because Marx and Engels explained that companies ´ losses and overproduction resulted in workers´ dismissals, but this didn´t solve problems, because if workers can consume, economy can´t recover and if the purchasing power of workers is low, this will have consequences for the owners of the companies sooner or later.

- If we want toread
if you want to have a look on what the book is about, click here

- In Marxism there were not two stages. According to Marx and Engels, the proletarian revolution would have two stages

-communist society
but your work has produced 2500€

- the difference between what you produced and what you receive is the suplus

- what she does to teach us….

- who disturbs our nest to teach us

- At the end of the lesson

- jerkface: the translation I gave was smoother than the real one. Jerkface means “gilipollas”.

- “Disturb your nest” means “cuestionar las ideas preconcebidas

You should explain why I spoke about disturbing your nests.

See you!

Unknown said...

Hi Carlos !
Good journal, I only have found one mistake and I not sure if it is written like that:
Proletariat --> proletarian

See you !