Wednesday, September 24, 2014

23rd of September 2014 (Thursday)

Hi everybody!

Today in the class of Social Sciences, we had to bring the information to start doing the project of the brochure of Renaissance Art.
Nobody had the information of the Renaissance Art and Paqui has explained to us where can we find the information. She has explained us that we don't have to copy literally information from Wikipedia, so we have to look for the information on the internet pages, in books...
My project partner is Lucía and today we have been looking for information in the class book to do the project. We have decided to do something like a small book. We have this week to work in class. We have decided to organize it in this way:

- A cover with the tittle and some photographs.

- A summary about the Renaissance Art.

- In the interior, we are going to dedicate some pages to write about Renaissance Sculplture (features, photographs, sculptors...). Some pages also to write about Renaissance Painting (features, photographs, information about the painting, artists of Quattrocento and Cinquecento, small biography about the artists of Quattrocento and Cinquecento...) and Renaissance Architecture information (features, photographs, artists of Quattrocento and Cinquecento...)

- A back cover, with our name, level and group.

 During the class Paqui also has explained us what information we have to include in the project. Paqui has said that we have to include some information about Renaissance Art, Renaissance Architecture, Renaissance Painting and Renaissance Scuplture. We also have to write a small biography about Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarrotti.

We have to work in pairs, but if we want we can work alone.

Here I include an image of the St Peter's Square in Rome with the Vatican in the bottom. It's a Renaissance building.



1 comment:

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello, José.

These are my corrections. Erase the words in brackets and correct what is written in bold font (negrita)

- Nobody had the information of the Renaissance Art and Paqui has explained (to) us where we can find the information

- on the Internet pages

- Sculpture

- Here I include an image... Don't use the verb "put"

That's all. They were small mistakes. Good work.