Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, 20th October, 2014

Good afternoon!

Today in Social Sciences lesson, as every day, we have done a lot of things.
First of all, Paqui has asked Silvia about his ankle, and Paqui has also asked about Sara, because she wasn't in the class. For this reason we have copied the two firsts words of our today's glossary:

- Sprain ankle: esguince en el tobillo.
- ID card: DNI.

Then, Paqui has reviewed our schemes, to see if we had done them. When she has finished, we have started to correct them. 
We have talked a little about the Man in the Iron Mask.
Paqui has explained us the definition of:

Hegemony: it is the first position in something. For example, in Asia is China, in Europe is Germany, in America are the United States...

We have seen a picture of the percentage of population loss in the Empire during the Thirty Years' War. 

We have spoken also about one of the most important battles of the Thirty Years' War:

Capture of Breda: in which Pihlip IV's troops conquered the city of Breda in 1634, but they were defeated at Rocroi in 1643.
We have also seen a photo of the decapitation of Charles I during the 1648 English revolutions, but this decapitation was in 1649.

Decapitation of Charles I

And we have copied a new word:

- Executioner: verdugo.

Then we have spoken about Oliver Cromwell. In the 1648 English revolutions he was declared Protector Lord, but he was a tyrant. Monarchy was restablished in 1660. But deputies limited the powers of the king with a new concept we have learnt:

HABEAS CORPUS: it was a right people had to defend himself when you were arrested. 
For example, if you were arrested, you could use the habeas corpues right to defend yourself, to ask why had you been arrested and prepare your defense (like a lawyer of the present). And in this way, the king couldn't arrest pepople arbitrarily. So it was an advance.

We have spoken about William of Orange too, who accepted the proposition of some English nobles to dethrone James II and become the king of England. In 1689 he swore the Bill of the rights, which limited the king's power and make decisions without the control of the Parliament.

William of Orange (1650-1702)

We have also learnt that during the 1688 English revolutions, England became a limited monarchy, and it was the first country to have one.

And finally, to end the lesson, we have spoken about Charles II. He was hermaphrodite. And he was lame and constantly drooling. He had all these problems because his chromosomes were XXY.

Charles II (1630-1685)

We have also copied these words:

- Hegemony: hegemonía
- Capture: captura
- Westphalia: Westfalia
- Signature: firma
- Executioner: verdugo
- To cede: ceder
- HABEAS CORPUS: (Tengas cuerpo): the translation is the same in Spanish, but with an accent: Hábeas Corpus
- To swear: jurar
- Hexed: hechizado
- To heal: curar

And this is all for today, I hope you have a good afternoon.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Gema,

I'll be back tomorrow for my comments, but remember that you have to add a title for your post.


Paqui Pérez Fons said...

- Hello again,

You've written everything about the lesson! Even my questions about the students' health!

These are my corrections. Erase the things in brackets and correct the words highlighted in blod font. Your mistakes are small.

- has reviewed our schemes, to see if we had done them

- one of the most important(s) battles of the Thirty Years' War:

- Pihlip IV's troops conquered the city of Breda

- HABEAS CORPUS: it was a right people had to defend themselves when they were arrested.

- you could use the habeas corpu(e)s right to defend yourself, to ask why you had been arrested and prepare your defense, call a lawyer (Like a lawyer of the present). And in this way, the king couldn't arrest pepople arbitrarily. So it was an advance.

- Words you have to write in capital letters: English, Bill of the Rights

- and make decisions without the control of the Parliament. We don't say "take a decision" in English, but "make a decision"

- England became a limited monarchy, and it was the first country to have one

- He had all these problems because his chromosomes were XXY.

- HABEAS CORPUS: (Tengas cuerpo): the translation is the same in Spanish, but with an accent: Hábeas corpus

That's all. Well done!

Unknown said...

Hi Paqui!!
Yes, I've tried to remember everything and to write everything we have done.
I have corrected all what you have told me too.
See you Paqui :)

Unknown said...

Hello Carla!!
Thank you very much! And yes, your're right, as everybody when they do the journal, I've spent much time ;)
I have remembered the Carles II's chromosomes but because I have written because if not I wont remember.. hahah
Bye! :))