Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, 14th of October 2014

Hello everybody! I 'm Clara Inés and this is my first journal of the year.

Today in Social Sciences we have done a lot of things.

At first Paqui has been talking about the project that we have to do, about the Baroque art.

Later we have started with a new point, the point three: "The 17th century".Fran has started to read on our book the Overview of this point, that said, that in the period of the 17th century was a period of crisis and contrasts, there was an Absolute Monarchy that was the predominant form of the goverment, the English Revolutions took place, and the division between Catholic and Protestant countries caused a new war, and the Baroque was the new art style of this period.

Later we have continued which the point A: "Demography, Society and Economy".

Alfredo has started to read on the book the Demography, which said, that the population grew very slowly, due to the high mortality caused by epidemics (like the Black Death, we also studied this at 2nd ESO)Only in the places where new agricultural techniques were introduced, the population grew.

A man suffering from buboes and splotches
A man with the Black Death

Later Sara has started to read the Society in the 17th century, which said, that it continued to be divided into estates (privileged and underprivileged) but the underprivileged estate grew.

Marta has continued to read the Economy, agriculture continued to be the main economic activity, this was divided into :

-Production: In this part Paqui has done a drawing about the merchants and she has said that the merchants started concentrating workers in big workshops called manufactories. Mechants provided tools and raw materials and workers received a salary in exchange for their work. The products of the merchants, could be sold them directly in markets, they produced: tapestry, crockery and glassware.

-Trade: this part has been read by Minerva, this said that, international trade grew , and sea routes opened by the Portuguese and the Castilians in the 16th century continued to exist. In the 17th century a new trade route appeared the triangular trade which linked Europe,Africa and America. The English , the French and the Dutch broke the Iberian monopoly of colonial trade and formed the trading companies ,their ships received the protaction of their States. Portugal lost its main important colonies of Asia, England saized India, Holand saized Indonesia, but Portugal also kept Goa, Diu and Damao.

Paqui has explained this with some maps of the presentation.


Triangular Trade

We have also added some new words to our glossary:

Overview-visión general
Weather-tiempo atmosférico
And so on.

At the end of the class Paqui hasgiven us the homework that we have to do: a summary about all that we have learnt today: Demography, Society and Economy.

Finally the bell has rung and we have gone to another class.



Unknown said...

Clara your journal is very complet.. One mistake that I have seen at the end of your journal is that you have written Paqui with small letter and you haven't put the present perfect in most of the cases.. You should write "Paqui has said" or "Sara has read".

Clara Inés said...

Thanks Stefania for your corrections :)

Unknown said...

Hi Clara! You've done a good journal! You've writen down all we have do in the lesson :) And you've included the black death's photo D: I think it's very disgusting. See you tomorrow Clara!

. said...

Hello Clara!
You've done your first journal and it's very good. As you has included many pictures, your journal seems more organized. I remember that in second of ESO my classmates and I said that the man who is in the black death's picture was "pregnant" See you ! :)

francisco jose said...

Hello Clara!
Your journal it's but you have some expelling mistakes such as "proyect" the expelling is "project" and also "She has start" and it's "She has started".
Good work Clara!!! See you tomorrow!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Clara,

These are my corrections. Remember to erase all the things in brackets and correct all the things in bold font:

-...we have done a lot of thing. "Make" is used when you do material things mainly. Example: I have made a cake, the homework, a mistake.

- ...has been talking about the project that

- has started to read

- (appeared) the English Revolutions took place

- and the division between Catholic and Protestant countries
caused a new war

- Later we havecontinued with the point A

- Alfredo has started to read... Demography, which said (,)

- we also studied this

- Only in the places where new agricultural techniques were introduced, (and) the population grew.

- Later Sara has started to read... 17th century, which said (,)

- Marta has continued to read the

- merchants started concentrating workers in big workshops

- The products of the merchants could be sold directly in markets, they produced: t(r)apestry, crockery and glassware.

- this part has been read by Minerva

- international trade grew
and sea routes opened by the Portuguese and the Castilians in the 16th century continued to exist.

- ...which lin(c)ked Europe,Africa and America.

- and formed the trading companies ,their ships received the protection of their States.

- England seized India, Holand seized Indonesia,

- Paqui has explained (was talcking about) this with some maps of the presentation

- has given us the homework that we have to do

- Ris(c)ky-peligroso

- (Later) Finally the bell has rung and we have gone to another class.

You have to pay special attention to verb tenses: present perfect (as some of your classmates have told you) and the works with k. Not all need c before k. It's this way in some cases, but most of them don't have a c before.

I know you all love the Black Death!
