Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Ecstasy of Saint Theresa is a sculpture made in marble between the years 1647 to 1652 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It was requested by cardinal Cornaro to be placed on its grave in Santa Maria della Vittoria’s church in Rome, nowadays it still placed there.

Ecstasy of Saint Theresa, in Cornaro's chapel.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini
This work is usually considered as the most emblematic piece made by Bernini, who was also the main sculptor from the Barroque period. It’is a religious sculpture, it represents the ecstasy of Saint Theresa based on her own deeds in which it’s written that she felt a divine arrow pierced her chest and she felt pain and pleasure at the same time and she also levitate.

The author obtained a lot of dynamism in this work, and transmitted perfectly Saint Theresa’s feelings. We can see her lying down with a long dress and the angel over her, who is looking at her and holding an arrow.

Let’s look a bit closely with a presentation I've made:


1 comment:

Paqui Pérez Fons said...

Hello Pablo

These are my corrections and comments:

-...cardinal Cornaro to be placed on his grave in Santa Maria della Vittoria’s Church in Rome. Nowadays it is still placed there.

-...the main sculptor from the Baroque period. It’s a religious sculpture, it represents the ecstasy of Saint Theresa based on her own deeds, in which it’s written that she felt that a divine arrow pierced her chest and she felt pain and pleasure at the same time and she also levitated.

-...and transmitted Saint Theresa’s feelings perfectly.

- 3rd slide of the presentation: The angel is holding the arrow gracefully

You should have explained the Baroque features you observe on this work: the cloth folds, the theatrical composition…

This sculpture was polemic, due to what the face of the saint is expressing:

The idea of the presentation with some details is good, but I think you could have done a better project with respect to content. Your mark is 8.
