Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, 2nd of December.

Hi everybody!

Today in the class we have started finishing correcting the scheme of the Enlightened Reformation about the Charles III reforms and we have seen them in the presentation.

-Expulsion of the Jesuits
-Colonization of new lands. Paqui has explained us that Charles III colonized some territories around Sierra Morena, that means that he started cultivating there.
-Limitation of the Mesta privileges.
-He supported the economic development.
-He made educational reforms.
-He declared honesty to all the professions.
-Reports on the agrarian reform.
-Free trade with the Indies.
-Liberalization of the price of wheat.

We've learnt too that when Charles III died, his son Charles IV became the new king. His father adviced him too keep Aranda and Floridablanca as ministers. But his rule was conditioned by the French Revolution.

With that we've finished the Unit 2 and we have started with the Unit 3: The French Revolution and Restoration. The main parts of this unit are:

1. The French Revolution.
2. The Congress of Vienna and restoration.
3. The revolutionary ideologies: nationalism and liberalism.
4. The revolutionary waves of 1820, 1830 and 1848.
5. Spain during the French Revolution and restoration.

Also Paqui has told us some homeworks for tomorrow: we have to read until the Constitutional Monarchy and we have to do the exercices 1-5 on page 22.

The words for the journal are:

-Mesta: association of stockbreaders which defended and promoted their activity.
-Tariff: arancel.
-Report: reforma.
-Proffesional school: instituto de formación profesional.
-Tennis court oath: juramento del juego de pelota.
-Estates General: Estados Generales (cortes in France).
-Books of grievences: cuadernos de quejas.

Bye, see you in class!

1 comment:

Paqui Pérez Fons said...


THese are my corrections:

- Add the source of your picture.

-... the scheme of the Enlightened Reformism about (the) Charles III reforms

-Colonization of new lands. Paqui has explained us that Charles III colonized some territories around Sierra Morena, which that means that people settled down in this area and started cultivating there.

-... His father advised him too keep Aranda and Floridablanca as ministers.

- With that we've finished (the) Unit 2 and we have started with (the) Unit 3

- Also Paqui has given us some homework(s) for tomorrow: we have to read until the Constitutional Monarchy and we have to do the exercises 1-5 on page 22.

-Mesta: association of stockbreeders which defended and promoted their activity..

-Tennis Court Oath: juramento del Juego de Pelota.

-Estates General: Estados Generales (Cortes in France).

-Books of grievances: cuadernos de quejas.
