Thursday, May 21, 2015

21th of May 2015

Today in the class of Social Sciences...

At first, the teacher Paqui has said the person who that had to do the journal... Then we have seen some photos of the mummification of Lenin, Stalin (some attacks to the Stalin's mummy) and Ho Chi Minh.

Then we have spoken about the penis of Rasputin, and the teacher said there were persons who pay to see the Rasputin's penis...

After, the teacher has explained "Stalinism" (1927-1953) all about the period under Stalin's government.

About the economy, Stalin changed the orientation of the economy policy. His priority was to transform the USSR into and industralized power. He imposed:

- Collectivization privization of all private properties

- Centrally planned economy: the State controlled and planned economy through the Gosplan (MInistry of Planning). They elaborated de Five Year Plans.

- Priority to heavy industry to the detriment of light industry.

Results: quick industrialization of the USSR but to the detriment of a permanent  lack of consumers'goods and consolidation of black market.

Former Gosplan ( State Commite for planning, building in Moscou). 

Then the teacher has explained the cult of Stalin personality: he was presented as the father and the savior of the USSR in propaganda.

And after this, the repression persecution and repression of the all those suspected of critizing the régime

- Stalinist purges in the 1930 killed around 700.000 people

- Many other were sent to the forced labour camps (Gulag)

And finally, we have seen some manipulated Stalin and Franco's photos.

We have copied some vocabulary:

-Spanish: español (adj)

-Spaniard: español (noun person)

-mummified: momificado

- ritten: podrido

-Five Years Plan: Plan Quinquenal

-to carry out: llevar a cabo

-to persecute: juzgar, procesar

- heavy industry: industria pesada

- light industry: industria ligera

-supportive: solidario

- selfishness: egoísmo


1 comment:

papefonsclase said...


These are my corrections to your last journal of the year. I hope you correct it:

Hello everybody!

Today in the class of Social Sciences...

(At)first, the teacher Paqui has said the person who had to do the journal... Then we have seen some photos of the mummification of Lenin, Stalin (some attacks to (the) Stalin's mummy) and Ho Chi Minh.
Then we have spoken about the penis of Rasputin, and the teacher said there were persons who pay to see Rasputin's penis...
After, the teacher has explained "Stalinism" (1927-1953), all about the period under Stalin's government.

About the economy, Stalin changed the orientation of the economic policy. His priority was to transform the USSR into an(d) industralized power. He imposed:

- Collectivization of all private properties

- Centrally planned economy: the State controlled and planned economy through the Gosplan (MInistry of Planning). They elaborated de Five Year Plans.

- Priority to heavy industry to the detriment of light industry.

Results: quick industrialization of the USSR but to the detriment of a permanent lack of consumers' goods and consolidation of black market.
Then the teacher has explained the cult of Stalin personality: he was presented as the father and the savior of the USSR in propaganda.

And after this, the repression persecution (o)and repression of the all those suspected of criticizing the régime

- Stalinist purges in the 1930 killed around 700.000 people

- Many other were sent to the forced labour camps (Gulag)

And finally, we have seen some manipulated Stalin and Franco's photos.
We have copied some vocabulary:

-Spanish: español (adj)

-Spaniard: español (noun person)

-mummified: momificado

- rotten: podrido

-Five Year(s) Plan: Plan Quinquenal

-to carry out: llevar a cabo

-to persecute: juzgar, procesar