Thursday, February 18, 2016

18th February 2016

Hi there! Today, in Social Sciences lesson, we have reviewed the contents of the other day.  After that we have finished the scheme of the first Industrial Revolution:

The consequences of the first Industrial Revolution were: there was more production of products and  they needed to transport these products from factories to markets.
The main  inventions were the use of coke coal in a blast furnace to produce pig iron, invented by Abraham Darby; and the Bessemer converter, invented by Henry Bessemer. The Bessemer converter was used to convert the iron into stell.


After this, Paqui has explained the Transport Revolution:
The  cause of the Transport Revolution was the need for moving products from factories to markets.
The main changes in this revolution were the amelioration of traditional infrastructures, like roads, river canals… and the use of steam engine in some vehicles. The steam engine was used in the locomotive, invented by Stephenson and the steamboat, by Robert Fulton.


The consequences of the revolution were:
-The speed increased. Paqui has told that the people were afraid because the locomotive travelled at 20 kilometers per hour!
-Travel duration and expenses reduced.
-People’s trips and trade increased.

We have also spoken about capitalism: it was an economic system where the bourgeoisie were in charge of the means of production and the proletariat were in charge of the labour power. Both things together produce profit.

At the end of the lesson Paqui has told us that the first railway line in Spain was between Madrid and Aranjuez and it was for the royal family. Then, it arrived at Campo de Criptana in 1854.



Coke coal: carbón de coque
Heating power: poder calorífico
Blast furnace: alto horno
Pig iron: arrabio
Molten: fundido
Means of transport: medios de transporte (vehicles)
Transport network: red de transporte
Cockroach: cucaracha


Paqui Pérez Fons said...
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Paqui Pérez Fons said...


Here you have my corrections:

Today, in Social Sciences lesson, we have reviewed the contents of the other day. After that we have finished the scheme of the first Industrial Revolution:

The consequences of the first Industrial Revolution were: there was more production of products and they needed to transport these products from factories to markets.
The main inventions were the use of coke coal in a blast furnace to produce pig iron, invented by Abraham Darby; and the Bessemer converter, invented by Henry Bessemer. The Bessemer converter was used to convert the iron into steel.

At the end of the lesson Paqui has told us that the first railway line in Spain was between Madrid and Aranjuez and it was for the royal family. Then, it arrived at Campo de Criptana in 1854.


Cockroach: cucaracha(s)

I think we spoke about capitalism in this lesson too, because someone asked about it.
