Thursday, February 16, 2017

National Episodes (Part 2)

Resultado de imagen de diary

These are the instructions to continue with the National Episodes project. The following chapters witll happen during these historical periods:



- ISABELLA II'S REIGN (1843-1868)



Your story starts in 1820. You are the youngest son of the man who worked for Goya in chapters 3 and 4. You were born in 1804, so you are 16 at the beginning of this chapter. Your father was sent to jail due to his liberal ideas and died there some years ago. You had to start working at the age of 12 as a fruit street seller in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid. Your father died in jail and you hate the absolutists. You have become a liberal, as your father was. 

Here you will have to explain Ferdinand VII's reign:

- Repression during the Absolutist Sexenio (1814-1820).

- Liberal Triennium (1820-1823)

- Ominous Decade (1823-1833)

During the Liberal Triennium you have to visit Goya  in his house (Deaf Man's House) and watch the Black Paintings on its walls. Give yor opinion about these paintings. Explain the main reforms of this period and the intervention of the Holy Alliance to restore absolutism. 

During the Ominous Decade you receive the news that Goya has decided to exile in France, because he can't stand absolutism. You have to explain the main events of this period, such as the loss of the colonies and the succession problem. 

In this chapter you have to get married and have some children. You have difficulties to make ends meet. 


In this chapter you will have to explain the period of the Regencies (1833-1843). This chapter starts in 1833. You are the same person as in chapter 5 and you are 29 years old.

The Carlist War has already started . The Army is offering a better salary than the one you earn and you've decided to become a soldier of the royal army. Your battalion will be destined to  the Basque Provinces and fight against the Carlists there. You will belong to Espartero's army and become his admirer. You will have to leave your family and won't come back home until the end of the war in 1839. You will send your salary to your familiy, so that they can survive. You will keep contact with them through the mail. 

You will have to explain the main events of the war and also comment on the division of the liberals and political changes of the liberal revolution  with your army comrades. You will have to become a supporter of the progressive party and one of your best friends has to be a supporter of the moderates.  

You will have to be happy when Espartero becomes the regent, but you have to become disappointed with his authoritarianism

At the end of this chapter you are 39 years old. 


In this chapter you will have to explain Isabella II's reign (1843-1868). You are one of the children of the man who wrote chapters 5 and 6. You continue to be a street seller in the Puerta del Sol, as your father was.  You have to start writing in 1854

Firts you will have to explain the main reforms and problems of the Moderate Decade. Your father re-enlisted in the army during the 2nd Carlist War (1847-1849) and died in the Catalan front. You have to choose which party you will support: the moderate party, progressive party ideas, the democratic party (created in 1849) or the Liberal Union (created in 1854). You have to speak about the corruption scandals that led to the 1854 revolution and your opinion about the reforms of the Progressive Biennium and the workers and peasants' disappointment because their lives aren't improving.

After this, you will have to explain the last period of Isabella II's reign, with the alternation of the Liberal Union and the moderates in government,  the exclusion of the progressives and the democrats, the increasing discontent againts the queen and repression against protests. You have to be very impressed about the Saint Daniel's Night events in the Puerta del Sol and join those who want to overthrow Isabella II's monarchy. Give your opinion about the disgusting watercolour paintings about the queen and her lovers.

This is a link to understand the Saint Daniel's Night events:

Here you have the link to the watercolours called The Naked Bourbons, attributed to the Bécquer brothers:

Don't forget to tell about your personal life too.


The content of this chapter will refer to the Democratic Sexenio (1868-1874). 

In this chapter you are the same person as in chapter 7. You will participate in the 1868 Glorious Revolution and be excited with the new reforms of the Provisional Government. As there was freedom of the press, a lot of newspapers were published and you have decided to open a newstand in the Puerta del Sol. Every day you will have to wake up very early to pick up the main newspapers and sell them in your shop.

You have to include all the news of this period: the outbreak of a war in Cuba, the search for a king, General Prim's assassination, Amadeus of Savoy's reign, the beginning of the 3rd Carlist War, the 1st Republic and its problems, General Pavía's coup d' État and the restoration of the monarchy with Alphonse XII through a new coup d'État led by General Martínez Campos in December 1874. Give your opinion and include people who participate in all these events in your diary.

One of your children will be the protagonist of the following chapters.

Read the notes of Unit 5 before starting to write and watch the presentations with the historical contents you have to include:

The deadline to hand in these chapters will be the following:

- CHAPTERS 5 AND 6: 3rd March

- CHAPTERS 7 AND 8:  24th of March. 

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